Increase sales and profits – how to do it?
So you are a salesman, and you want to sell more.
How can you do that?
The general methods can be briefly categorized into 3 separate sections.
- It’s what you tell the customer.
- It’s how you find the customer.
- It’s when you approach the customer, if you remember to.
A concrete action plan for sales
Let’s address each of these 3 separately.
It’s what you tell the customer.
The most important thing is what you tell your prospective customers.
We’re mentioning this although there’re hundreds of sales training experts that give you differing opinions on this matter. We’re no different. We believe that each case has its own recommendations and solutions to help you sell more.
The most important tip here is – TRY.
Do not be afraid to try new methods on new prospective customers, and see how that goes.
When we started pitching Yoman CRM to potential customers, it took quite a few months until we really nailed it. Even though we believed in our product, and found the great help that it provides sales reps, selling it was still a difficult nut to crack.
So we experimented. What if you tell a client that your CRM will help him sell more? All the other CRM sales reps are already saying the same. How can we differentiate ourselves?
What if you tell the client the vague idea that your CRM will help him get better organized with his leads? That’s better, but still the same he’s hearing all the time from other sales reps. But it may still work.
What if you told the client that your CRM works just like Excel – which he already uses and loves? Then it gathers interest, but still the client needs to know the benefits.
Our “working pitch” for now consists of telling the above in one or other way, and adding that by using super-simple Excel interface you gain the benefits of other complicated CRMs – but without the complexity. We don’t pretend to offer any new benefits, besides the simplicity.
It’s how you find the customer
Pitching a customer is no less important than finding him, and confirming he’s the right prospect for your product. We believe that this step is important and it is already addressed by many modern sales tools. However, we believe in going more to the basics, because most sales reps still battle with the basics – handling a growing list of leads and managing it appropriately, without an annoying CRM tool.
It’s when you approach the customer, IF you remember to
Remember to call back a customer if you told him you will!
Remember to follow-up as you promised!
Remember to re-try calling a customer that wasn’t available.
Remember to persist!
Over 80% of sale closes close after a few conversations with the client, not the first one. So you must persist.
It sounds obvious and simple – but that’s one of the main benefits of CRMs – they help you remember. Because most people forget things and lose deals.
The bottom line
The conclusion is simple – we must get back to the basics!
Call on time. Persist. Optimize your opener. Optimize your closer. Do the analytics inside your head. Most sales reps don’t need an analytics tool, but just a simple tool to manage their list of leads.