So which programming language should you learn?
As always, it depends: the programming languages you should learn will depend on the type of job you’re interested and also on the preferred industry. Nevertheless, there are some programming languages that are ineed widely used and in high demand across many industries – perhaps you should focus on those. Here is a list of some of the most popular programming languages – consider learning one of those.
- Python: Python is a high-level language that is widely used for web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence (AI). It is known for its simplicity and versatility – making it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced developers. While it is a relatively old language, in recent years it enjoyed renewed interest, mostly for algorithm development, AI and in academia, as well as for backend development (Youtube was developed in Python). It does suffer from performance issues, but those can be navigated around by using specific libraries that run C code under-the-hood (e.g. for matrix multiplication).
- Java: Java is a long-time popular language used in building enterprise applications, Android apps, and web applications. It is a strongly-typed (you must define the variables) language and is known for its security, reliability, and scalability. If you want to work in an enterprise setting (big companies like banks, insurance companies, etc.) there’s a high chance they are using Java.
- JavaScript: the language of the internet! JavaScript is a popular scripting language used to build interactive and dynamic web pages – which means you have to use it if you want to create a web page that does anything beyond visual display. It is essential for front-end web development, but sometimes also used for back-end development with Node.js, NextJS and other server-side libraries.
- C#: the Microsoft language. C# is a programming language used to build Windows desktop applications, video games, and enterprise software. There’s also a dialect called C#.NET used to build web apps. It is known for its simplicity, reliability, and scalability. It was originally developed by Microsoft but was open-sources in recent years. Today we have C# also for Linux and other operating systems, going beyond Windows. It is also the language used in the Unity gaming engine.
- PHP: the old chap we never manage to leave. PHP is a server-side scripting language, and one of the first languages used to build web applications and dynamic web pages. It is the most widely used language for building web applications on the internet, due to its use in the WordPress page builder. It has lost popularity in recent years, giving way to NodeJS (in javascript) and other modern back-end languages. It can only be used for backend development, therefore quite limited.
- Swift: a programming language used in developing iOS and macOS applications – the Apple language. It is a fast, safe, and modern language that is popular for mobile development. By using it, you’re limiting yourself to the Apple ecosystem. But worry not, there’re still jobs there.
- Ruby: Ruby is a high-level, relatively simple language used in web development and back-end programming (but not front-end development). It is known for its simplicity and is often used in building web applications with the Ruby on Rails framework – once a very popular framework. It has lost its charm in recent years, giving way to javascript and NodeJS and other JS backend frameworks.
- Clojure: a functional language, difficult to learn but fun to use. Not if you’re looking for something simple and straightforward. It is a Lisp dialect, takes time to learn, but after learning it some people say they can never go back to another language again.
Remember, learning a programming language is just one part of the job search process, so invest in it. It will help you land the job of your dreams! However, employers also look for experience, problem-solving skills, and the ability to work on a team, so don’t neglect these skills. Also, it’s important to learn programming concepts and principles that apply across different languages, such as algorithms, data structures, and software engineering best practices.