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How can I find a programming job without prior experience? Traditional and provocative methods

So you’re looking for a programming job, but without any real-world experience. I assume you’ve learned a lot on your own. Here are some tips to help you in your job search: Overall, emember that finding a programming job without real-world experience can be challenging! However, with the right attitude, dedication, and persistence, you can […]

Why tech hiring is broken – both from the recruiter and employee sides – and what can be done to improve it

The tech industry, especially software, is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, with a demand for highly skilled tech workers of many different types. However, the tech hiring process is broken, and it’s causing problems for recruiters and programmers alike. The hiring side is broken From the hiring side, the tech hiring process […]

How to make a sale? The RIDE principle [4 pillars]

So you want to make more sales. We’ve assembled together 4 basic principles that will help you better cater to your customer’s needs and make the sale. RIDE iѕ асrоnуmѕ fоr сhаrасtеriѕtiсѕ thаt will help уоu аnd make thе revenue rеѕultѕ уоu dеѕirе a rеаlitу. RIDE stands for: What do these mean? Rеѕресtful Sаlеѕреорlе should […]

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